Free Time/School

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Do you know these subjects? Move the words with your mouse!

Math Icon.png

Sports icon.png

Note orange.svg


Noun Project science icon 334989 cc.svg

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

Color pallette.svg

ArtMathsEnglishwhere you do sportswhere you do experimentsPhysical Educationwhere you draw pictureswhere you sing and dancePEMusicScienceBiologywhere you learn about animals and plantswhere you count and addwhere you learn to talk with Americans

That was easy peasy, lemon squeezy! - Now let's do the next quiz:

A is another word for teacher. He or she takes care of one group.

A group of pupils is called .

A is a list of all subjects and lessons.

A lesson is the of time when you learn something about a subject.

is a subject in which you learn both History and Geography.

is the meeting where you get information about special activities in the morning.
