Free Time/That's what friends are for

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Reading Comprehension (Leseverstehen)

► 1. Who is who?

Tom is a . Kim is a Bobby is a . Blacky is a (and so is Sally). Janet is a .

catguinea pigdogparrotrabbit

► 2. Say if these statements are true, false or not in the text.

5. Other cats are missing, too.

1. Grandma lives in number 10 Garden Street.

3. Tom ran away because he didn't like the food.

2. Bobby lives in 12 Park Street.

4. The children put up posters in shops.

Use of vocabulary

► 1. Write in synonyms.

a. Cats and dogs get their food in a bowl or
b. Some dogs have a little house or in the garden.
c. Mice and birds are kept in a .
d. A house where cows and horses live is called a .
e. A fish tank/ is another word for .


► 2. Write in opposites.

1. Grandma is sad because Tom is not here - she isn't .
2. The children always visit grandma - they forget it.
3. The girls leave the house every morning and back in the afternoon.
4. I've got only one or two sweets - Holly has got .

Use of structures

► 1. Say how often they do these activities:

Be Careful!
If you need an apostrophe, use the shift + # (deutsch: Umschalttaste + #, neben der Enter-Taste!).

0. Lina plays ball.
0. Sam and Alex don’t play ball.
1. Lina TV.
2. She   Mondays.
3. Sam & Alex Mondays.
4. They  TV.    

play ball watch TV like Mondays
Lina + - +
Sam & Alex - + -

► 2. Form complete sentences with these phrases.                     

0. I / have / potatoes / for breakfast                   I  have  potatoes for  breakfast.

1.   .

Arsenaldoesn’tToni’s sisterlike

2. ,  ?


3.     ?


► 3. Give short answers.


0. Do you like football?           - Yes, I do.
1. Does Peter work a lot? - No, .
2. Can you help me?       - Yes, .
3. Do Linda and Kevin live in London? - No, .
4. Does Lester laugh (lachen) a lot? - Yes, .
5. Can he help you?       - No, . He must do his homework.
6. Are the police officers friendly? - Yes, .



► 4. Put in the English personal pronouns.

Grandma: "Kevin, Please give the cornflakes." - Grandma asked to give the cornflakes.

Mum: "David, can Jenny help with the German homework?" - "Yes, she can tell the English meanings of the German words."

Tim: "Your bag is very nice." - "Yes, I've got for my birthday!"
