Aus ZUM-Unterrichten
In this WebQuest you can learn many facts about Scotland.
printable protocol
It is recommended to do the exercises in the correct order. You can, however, change the order personnally.
- 2nd year English
How to work
- Stay focussed and take down notes carefully.
- At the end of every page there are hints for the exercises. If you encounter any difficulties, use them step by step to finish the exercise on your own.
- The last hint is the complete solution. Here can you check, if everything is correct. If you just copy the solution, you won't have the chance to get better!
You need
- Your exercise book and a pen to take notes
printable protocol
Links "Reading your way through Scotland": In dieser Unterrichtseinheit "reisen" die Schülerinnen und Schüler anhand authentischer Schilder und fiktiver Texte der Familie Huber durch Schottland. Gemeinsam mit dem 13-jährigem Sean und seiner Familie besteigen sie die Berge der Highlands, besuchen die Stadt Edinburgh, begeben sich auf die Suche nach Nessie. Ganz nebenbei erfahren sie mehr über Land und Leute Schottlands.
- Mock test: Fingal's Cave
- Mock test: Glamping