King Arthur/Word Families

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Wörter aus den selben Wortfamilien sind einfach zu behalten oder zu erschließen, da sie ja alle einen gemeinsamen Wortstamm haben.


In English many words can be formed out of verbs. Words share the same suffixes or prefixes so that you can understand them if you see them in a text.

In English tests you have to form them actively.

Here is an Overview. (Don't learn them now!)

word families

Guess what the nouns of these words can be. (Red Line 3 Bayern, page 13)

to attack → a person who attacks is an attacker.

to build → a builder builds buildings and roads

to win → This is the winner - he can take all the winnings home.

people and professions with -er or -or

Sometimes you form nouns with -er, sometimes you need -or. Fill in:

protect, protector

defend, defender

attack, -er