Aus ZUM-Unterrichten
< School
- Read the Chant and learn it! (Lern das Gedicht auswendig! Trage es laut und mit Betonung vor!)
- If you learn new words - try to spell them in English!
A - B - C - D - E - F - G
Can you say the alphabet with me?
H - I - J - K - L - M - N
I can count from one to ten
O - P - Q - R - S - T - U
Read it back out loud to you.
V - W - X - Y - and - Z
Now it's always in your head.
Interactive exercises
Can you understand IPA?
Read these words loud. Then write them down.
/ˈmʌn.di/ is Monday()
/ˈtjuzdi/ is Tuesday()
/ˈwɛnzdɪ/ is Wednesday()
/ˈθɜːzdi/ is Thursday()
/ˈsʌndi/ is Sunday()
Good! Now spell each letter! (Buchstabiere die Wörter.)
- Vocabulary
- Structures
- TGIF (Present Simple)
- I don't like Mondays! (Verneinung / must do)
- Pronouns
- Wiederholung