Reported Speech

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Wenn Gehörtes wiedergegeben werden soll, wird das nur selten wortwörtlich (in direkter Rede) getan. Mit der indirekten Rede (engl. reported speech) berichten wir über etwas, das wir vorher gehört haben, in einem Nebensatz nach einem einleitenden Verb.

Beispielsatz Reported Speech "I told you I was sick!"
"I am sick!"
I told you I was sick!

He said that he had told them (that) he had been sick!


In der indirekten Rede berichten wir über etwas, das wir vorher gehört haben, in einem Nebensatz nach einem einleitenden Verb.

"I speak English."
He said he speaks English.
He said he spoke English.


Der Satzbau im Nebensatz folgt dabei dem normalen S - V - O-Schema.

Auf die Angabe eines Relativpronomens kann dabei verzichtet werden (→ zero construction).

"I speak English."
He said that he spoke English.
He said he spoke English.

Time Shift

Steht das einleitende Verb im Past Tense (was bei solchen Berichten der Normalfall ist), so erfolgt beim Wechsel zur indirekten Rede eine Verschiebung der Zeitebene (TIMESHIFT). Dabei drückt das ungewohnte past "He asked me what my name was." oft eher Kondititional "...wie mein Name wäre." als echte Vergangenheit aus.

direct speech reported speech
Jack: “I go to this disco every week.”
Present Simple
He said he went to that disco every week.
Past Simple
John: “I haven’t been to a disco here.”
Present Perfect
I said I hadn’t been to a disco there.
Past Perfect
Jack: “I went out very often.”
Past Simple
He said he had gone out very often.
Past Perfect
John: “I will go dancing more often now.” I said (that) I would go dancing more often then.
John: “I must see all discos in town.” I said I (that) had to see all discos in town.

Übungen zu Timeshift

Perspective Shift

Im Normalfall berichtet man nicht, was man selber, sondern was ein anderer gesagt hat. Also müssen auch Personal- und Possessivpronomen dem neuen Blickwinkel angepasst werden.(PERSPECTIVE SHIFT)

"I am hungry."
He said he was hungry.
"Can you hold my beer?"
He asked if I could hold his beer.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
He asked if he could tell me a secret.

Übungen zu Perspective Shift


Auch feste Zeitangaben müssen an die neue Zeitebene angepasst werden..

"I' ll come tomorrow."
He said he would come the next day.
direct speech reported speech
this (evening) that (evening)
today yesterday
these (days) those (days)
now then
(a week) ago (a week) before
last weekend the weekend before
last / the previous weekend
here there
next (week) the following (week)
tomorrow the next / following day

Übungen zu festen Zeitangaben