Nachricht für neue Nutzer.
Nachricht für engagierte Nutzer.
Goodbye Bayern - Grüß Gott, America!
Aus ZUM-Unterrichten
“I Said Goodbye to My German Fatherland …
To Seek My Fortune in America”
In the 19th century many Germans from Bavaria and Franconia migrated to America.
Why did they leave their homes in Germany?
Why did they go to America?
How did they fare? - Were they successful or did they return?
This Learning Path examines the factors leading to migration.
It has been developed for a year 8 Bilingual History-class of 4th-year ESL-Learners.
- The Germans in America (European Reading Room)
- History of German immigration to the USA
- Goodbye Bayern - Grüß Gott America
- wikisource: Auswanderung
- Off to New York! A story of emigration in the 19th century in pictures By Sonja Dolinsek (
- Bernhard Heim: Zu- und Abwanderung (aus Geslau/Leutershausen)