Cultural Exchange
ORANGE برتقال |
fruit, originally from South and East Asia, known in Sanskrit as naranga, which became the Arabic naranj.
ALCOHOL (الكُحُـــــــــول.) |
an extraction process from a mineral, European chemists began to refer to anything involving extraction/distillation as alcohol.
ALCHEMY and CHEMISTRY (الكيميـــــــــاء.) |
put together
ALGEBRA (الجبــر) |
a mathematical discipline
variety of a species of thistle cultivated as food.
CANDY (from قندي) |
“hard sweets made by boiling cane sugar”
COFFEE (قهوة) |
for long snubbed by Europeans as the “wine of the infidels”—that is, many centuries before the age of Starbucks and instant coffee!
COTTON (قُطْـــــــــن) |
soft, fluffy staple fiber used for textiles
MATTRESS (مطـــــــــــــــــــرح.) |
large, usually rectangular pad where you can lie and sleep
part 2
SOFA (الصُفــــــــة)< |
cushioned item of furniture for seating multiple people |
raised, carpeted platform on which people sat.
SUGAR (سكر) |
Sanskrit (śarkarā), meaning "ground or candied sugar"
CIPHER (صِفـــــــــــــــــــــــــــر) |
Arabic word for zero صفر (sifr) |
not easily understood, so used for encrypted code
ELIXIR (الإكسيــــــــــــــر) |
like a syrup
SODA (صـــــــــودا.) |
chemical compounds containing sodium
ADMIRAL (أميــــــــر الرحلة) |
commander of the fleet
ARSENAL ( دار الصناعــــــــــــــــة ) |
manufacturing house where weapons for the navy are made
MAGAZINE ( مجلة) |
store house
ASSASSIN (حشَّــــــــــــــاشين”) |
hitman, murderer
crusader = Kreuzzügler, Kreuzritter
crusade = Kreuzzug
crusade = religious war to free the Holy Land (= Jerusalem, Palestine)
Why - because pilgrims wanted to visit the place where Jesus had lived.