Roman Britain/Life of a Legionary

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Why was the Roman Legionary so good?

Reconstruction of a Roman legionary, Museum het Valkhof, Nijmegen (Netherlands) (9567092987).jpg

Housesteads Roman Fort (Vercovicium) (44517650982).jpg

Interactive Quizzes

Approximately how many soldiers made up a Roman legion? (!14,000-16,000)(!20,000-25,000)(!60-120)(!4,000-6,000)

An individual Roman soldier is called a

Auxiliary troops were usually …

During the Roman punishment of decimation, every _____th man was executed.

What was the Roman army's policy "Divide et impera"?

After how many years could a legionary retire?

A century of soldiers was made of how many men?

Roman Britain

  1. Life of a Legionary
  2. Hadrian's Wall
  3. Roads and Streets
  4. Everyday Life

See also