Age of Discovery/Columbian Exchange

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Unknown plants and animals?

Match the pictures and the names!

Cocoa-cropped.jpg Cocoa
Variedades de papa.JPG Potatoes
Cucurbita moschata Butternut 2012 G2.jpg Squash / Pumpkin
Maize Corn Cultivars.jpg Maize / Corn
Madame Jeanette and other chillies.jpg Chili Pepper
Saccharum officinarum - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-125.jpg Sugar Cane
Wild Turkey (m) (29804649078).jpg Turkey
Guinea-Pig.png.jpg Guinea Pig
Plate of a pineapple from Descourtiz, 1877.jpg Pineapple
Nicotiana tabacum 0841.jpg Tobacco
FruitColors.jpg Coffee
Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus 01.jpg Beans
Vanilla 6beans (rot. 90 deg.).JPG Vanilla

Where are they from?