Environment/Clean Energy
Interactive Exercises
Alternative energy can be produced in many forms: The sun shines every day and provides light and warmth.
The sun also beautiful scenery. The huge (D) m a d is impressive, as are the (E) la If pipes leading down to the (F) o w p e r house. A manufacturer of (G) v o 1 p o h i c t o t a .................... systems has provided two models: one of a house with solar (H) pe sanl ............ on the roof and another one of an area with solar (I) losmedu consisting of 64 tiny solar (f) slelc In another room, a miniature model of a(n) (K)niwd turbine will be set up, with a five-metre-high (L)rowte ............. Visitors can actuate the (M) o r t o r blades by pushing a button. Information boards with photos showing the interior of a(n) (N) cane lie explain how (O)niwd energy is generated. The(P)basgoi plant will be the highlight of the exhibition. Visitors are taken to an actual farm! There they can put (Q)sambios .............. intoa(n) (R) narypliremi tank,from which it moves through a pipe into the (S)stdigeer of ahuge domed- shaped (T) sag holder.