General Conversation/Agreeing and Disagreeing

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

In a discussion it's important to state your opinion. Here are some useful phrases. It's recommended that you add reasons.

  1. Read the useful phrases (If you're at home, you can speak loudly!).
  2. Do the interactive exercises.
  3. Play a round of Yes, No, black or white.

Useful phrases

Instead of just saying "yes" or "no", use these phrases for Agreeing and Disagreeing.

(+ + +)

"I agree with you."

"You're right on that."

"Yes, that's right. Exactly. / Absolutely."

"Point taken! A brilliant idea."

"I share your point of view."

"Yeah, that’s a great idea."

"Yes, that sounds good."

"Yes, indeed."


"I couldn’t agree more..."



"You took the words right out of my mouth..."

(o o o )

"I'm not sure."

"I guess."

"Do you really think so?"

"Frankly, I haven't thought about that yet."

"Well, that's a matter of opinion."

"I see what you are getting at..."

(- - -)

"I don't agree with you."

"I don't think so."

"I see what you mean, but..." / "I see your point but ..."

"If you ask me, ..."

"You are wrong!"

"Not at all!"

"I’m afraid I don't agree."

"No, I don't think that's a good idea."

"But it'll be expensive, won't it?"

"That's stupid."

"You can't be serious!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

Yes, no, ...

Yes, no, black, white is a simple verbal game for two or more players. It can also be considered as a party game and a car game. It has very few and simple rules, requires no equipment, and it's played around the world.


The game, in the most common setting, is played with two players. After deciding who will play the roles of a questioner and an answerer and agreeing to start the game, the questioner asks the answerer any question he/she wishes, and the answerer must answer truthfully to that without using any of the four forbidden words:

yes, no, black or white.

Given the answer satisfies this rule, the questioner continues asking and the answerer answering in this manner, engaging in a conversation in which the questioner tries to trick, confuse or otherwise make the answerer have a slip of the tongue, therefore lose the game. If the answerer uses one of the forbidden words, he/she loses, and the two players might change roles and start a new session.

Interactive Exercises

Jane and Andy are twins. Most of the time they like and don’t like the same things. Use so and neither / nor together with the auxiliary verb to fill in the gaps.

0. Andy likes pop music. And so does Jane. But Jane doesn’t like techno. And neither / nor does Andy.

1. Jane collects music and sports posters. And Andy. Their rooms look great with all those posters on the walls.

2. Andy would like to work as a DJ. Jane. It would be her dream job.

3. Jane hates house music. And Andy. He thinks it isn’t cool.

4. Andy can sing very well. Jane. That’s why she’s in a band.

5. Jane doesn’t like computer games. Andy. He doesn’t think they’re exciting.

6. Andy enjoyed the pop festival last week. Jane. She was excited about it.

So didNeither doesso doesso doesso doesSo can

Complete the conversations. Put in so, neither, either or not.

Joanne: Are you going to the concert?

Karen: I hope . But I haven't bought a ticket yet.

Joanne: have I. I hope there are some left.

Karen: Oh, I expect .

Ann: Is there a choir practice tonight?

Liz: I don't think . Did Mr Big say anything at the last practice? I wasn't there.

Ann: I wasn't , unfortunately.


Complete the conversations. Put in so, neither, either or not.

Mia: Do you think it's going to rain?

Ken: I don't know. I hope . I'm going to the barbecue tonight.

Mia: Yes, am I.

Ken: I like Black Panther.

Sarah: do I. I think it's fantastic. But I can't stand "Games of Thrones".

Ken: can I. I don't like "Baywatch" much .


Agreeing and disagreeing

Choose the correct answer(s). Sometimes more than one answer is correct.

6 - 'I want one.'

3. 'I didn't finish the homework.'

1. 'I'm tired.'

4. 'I didn't enjoy the party.'

7 - 'I'm staying in tonight.'

9 - 'I found it very hard.'

5. 'I'd like a coffee, please.'

2. 'I was late.'

8 - 'I was shocked.'