Reported Speech/Orders
Reporting Orders & Requests
Auch Aufforderungen (engl. : orders) und Bitten (engl.: requests) können auch in die indirekte Rede gesetzt werden.
"Go home!"
→ He told him to go home.
"Don't worry!"
- → He told him not to worry.
"Could you come next week again?"
→ He asked him to come the following week again.
"Can you lend me some money?"
→ He asked him to lend him some money.
We use to tell + object + to-infinitive to form orders. We use ask / ask for + object + to-infinitive to form requests.
Bei Verneinungen wird ein dem Infintiv ein not vorangestellt.
Dabei gibt es folgende Veränderungen:
- [[../../Reported_Speech#Perspective_Shift|Verschiebung der Perspektive]] (Perspektive Shift)
- [[../../Reported_Speech#Zeitangaben|feste Zeitangaben]] relativieren
Interactive Exercises
Put in the correct verbs in the infinitive. Sometimes you have to add "not".
1. "Stop talking!"
He told me to .
2. "Learn your vocabulary!"
He advised me my vocabulary.
3. "Don't take it too easy!"
He warned me it too easy.
4. "Don't worry - be happy!"
Then he told me and happy.