Reported Speech/Orders

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Reporting Orders & Requests

Auch Aufforderungen (engl. : orders) und Bitten (engl.: requests) können auch in die indirekte Rede gesetzt werden.


"Go home!"

He told him to go home.

"Don't worry!"

He told him not to worry.


"Could you come next week again?"

He asked him to come the following week again.

"Can you lend me some money?"

He asked him to lend him some money.

We use to tell + object + to-infinitive to form orders. We use ask / ask for + object + to-infinitive to form requests.

Bei Verneinungen wird ein dem Infintiv ein not vorangestellt.

Dabei gibt es folgende Veränderungen:

  • [[../../Reported_Speech#Perspective_Shift|Verschiebung der Perspektive]] (Perspektive Shift)
  • [[../../Reported_Speech#Zeitangaben|feste Zeitangaben]] relativieren

Interactive Exercises


Put in the correct verbs in the infinitive. Sometimes you have to add "not".

1. "Stop talking!"

    He told me to .

2. "Learn your vocabulary!"

    He advised me my vocabulary.

3. "Don't take it too easy!"

    He warned me it too easy.

4. "Don't worry - be happy!"

    Then he told me and happy.