Nouns/much - many

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten
Coins (Money).svg

How much is it?

How much money does it cost?

How many gold coins do you have?

Unzählbare Nomen (Uncountable Nouns) wie money, milk, water … können nicht gezählt werden.


much → viel

man-y → viel-e

How much milk do you need?

Wenn ihnen Einheiten (Quantity expressions) vorangestellt werden, kann nach der Anzahl gefragt werden:

How many bottles of milk do you want?

Interactive Exercises

Put in many or much!

She has so friends!

Too cooks spoil the broth (a kind of soup).

Hurry up. I don't have so time.

We went to a dairy farm yesterday. I had never seen so cows before.

It's also quite amazing how milk these cows produce every day.

You have too money. Won't you share it with me?

There are too children in the house.

My father doesn't drink coffee.

How of you have ever been to London?


Write in the correct word .

I always love to have cheese before dinner.

How states have you visited in the U.S.?

There isn't furniture (tables, shelves, cupboards) in our new apartment.

I haven't gotten mail at my new address.

I haven't gotten letters at my new address.

It doesn’t take common sense to come in out of the rain.

a little / a lot (of)/ a few

Make sentences. Use a few - a little - a lot (of) - (not)... any - many - much.

When I first came to London, I was a little() scared because a lot of|many() people were sleeping in the streets. A few() even had no shoes, and many() of them were children.
These people don't have any() homes, but they often have a few() friends.
Homeless people don't have any() homes but they often know much|a lot() about life.

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