Present Simple/He, she, it ...

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Im Present Simple gibt es eine Ausnahme: In der 3.Person Singular wird ein -s angehängt!

Peter's morning

alarm clock ringing Every morning the alarm clock rings at 7 o clock.

Then Peter takes a shower taking a shower and drinks a coffee. drinking coffee

After that he cleans his teeth. brushing teeth

The bus comes at 20 to eight. school bus My friend Peter says "Hello!".

Sleeping in

Put the verbs into the gaps:

sleeping On Saturday morning my friend Robert usually sleeps (sleep) in (to sleep in =aussschlafen).

alarm clock ringing He puts (put) out the alarm clock and wakes (wake) up at 11 o clock.

taking a shower He washes (wash)' his hair. Then he (have) a coffee. drinking coffee

brushing teeth After that he brushes (brush=clean) his teeth. Then he goes (go) to a friend.

When he comes home he does (do) his homework. From 4 to 5 o'clock he tidies (tidy) up his room.