Improvisierte Kurzreden
Aus ZUM-Unterrichten
- Die Technik der Kurzrede (Handbuch der Rhetorik)
- Allgemeines, Aufbau, Themenauswahl
Ziele, Durchführung
Anwendung in den Fächern
Englischunterricht: Beispielthemen
School & various (easy)
- Why biology is an important subject in school
- Why languages are important subjects at school.
- The worst things about school are…
- This school needs a…
- Why reading is important
- Why music is an important subject in school
- The best things about school are…
- What’s your favourite animal and why?
- What would you do if you were very rich?
- What’s the perfect season – summer, winter, fall, spring?
- How to make a perfect party
- What do you want to do after school?
- What would you rather be doing now (instead of being at school)?
- If you produced a film or tv show, what would it be like?
- Why would you want to live in another country?
- What do you take with you on an island (where you are alone)?
- It must be terrible to be a…
- Why I would rather live in the country than in a city
- Why I would rather live in a city than in the country
- Describe a perfect day (for you)
Things you have learned at school (not so easy)
- Public schools (Rugby or Eton, for example)
- National parks in the USA and the UK
- The Elizabethan Age (Queen Elizabeth I, 1533-1603)
- The UK system of government
- The US system of government
- The first permanent settlers in America (Jamestown)
- The Industrial Revolution
- The Midwest