Use of English/Word Families

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< Use of English
Version vom 26. März 2018, 07:41 Uhr von Main>Matthias Scharwies (Zwischenstand)
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Wörter aus den selben Wortfamilien sind einfach zu behalten oder zu erschließen, da sie ja alle einen gemeinsamen Wortstamm haben.

Gerade im Englischen kann man aus Adjektiven wie "empty" und Nomen wie "bottle" Verben wie "to empty" (etw. ausleeren) und "to bottle" (etw. abfüllen) bilden.

Allerdings muss man bei der Bildung die Regeln der Grammatik und ihre Ausnahmen kennen.

Interactive exercises

You've got the choice!

Wortfamilie "choose"

Use drag and drop to find the right words of the same family!

ACTIVE  This is a fun activity ! You must look at the green words below.
CHOSE  and choose the best one. Take care and look again whether
CHOOSE  you have chosen the correct form. If you do these exercises
IMPROVEMENT  every day, you'll improve your knowledge more and more.
TO ADVISE  I think this is a good piece of advice .
PRACTICAL  An English proverb says "Practice makes perfect!"
CHOOSE  You have the choice to get better grades.


Find words of the same family. Take care of the forms!

COMPLAIN  A common complaint() about young people says they wouldn't write letters anymore.
STUDENT  Recent studies() ,however, show that they still stay in contact with their peers.
USUALLY  Nowadays they use() personal computers and mobile phones to send electronic letters.
TEXT  If you write on your mobile you are texting() messages. Usually they don't cost anything
SIGNAL  but they can't be longer than 180 signs().

English literature

Find words of the same family. Take care of the forms!

WRITE  Shakespeare is one of the world's most famous writers(). He has written many plays,
POETRY  over 150 sonnets and also several poems(). In 1719 Daniel Defoe wrote the
NOVELIST  famous novel() "Robinson" where a man spends 28 years alone on a desolate island.
MOVE  The storyline has been used in hundreds of books and movies(), like Castaway (1994).
SET  In this movie Tom Hanks' plane crashes into the sea. The setting() is similar to Robinson
FRIENDLY  but instead of meeting a native he forms an unusual friendship() with a ball called "Wilson".
SUCCESS  In the end he succeeds() in building a raft and getting back to the USA.
UNTHINKABLE  When he came home the modern Robinson thought() of writing an autobiography.


Wortfamilie "act"
ACTIVE  Have you already activated () your new facebook account?
ACTIVE  If you do so, you can take part in many activities ().
ACTIVE  Some social networks are quite dead, but this is full of action()!
ACTIVE  Most people don't react() to my posts, but I hope you do!
ACTIVE  Arnold Schwarzenegger was a famous actor() who played in many movies.
