King Arthur/Mediation

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten


In this task you must read an English text, understand the content and answer questions in German!

  1. Lies den Text und beantworte die Fragen stichpunktartig auf Deutsch.
    Du musst keine vollständigen Sätze schreiben - ein Wort ist jedoch nicht genug!
  2. Watch the movie


  1. Was muss man besitzen, um Tintagel Castle besuchen zu können?
  2. Welche Regeln gelten für Mitglieder (des Vereins English Heritage)?

  3. Welche Infomationen enthält das Ticket?

  4. Welche Probleme gibt es bezüglich des Zugangs?

  5. Was solltest bei schlechtem Wetter zusätzlich beachten?

Entrance to Tintagel Castle is managed through timed tickets and advance booking is essential for all visitors including members. Please only visit if you have a valid ticket. If you're a Member, your ticket will be free, but you still need to book in advance. All Members must show booking confirmation and a valid membership card on arrival to be allowed site access.

Your timed ticket states the time when you can enter the castle, cross the bridge and visit the island. Once on the island you can explore everything freely.

There are multiple car parks in Tintagel Village - these can get very busy so please allow plenty of time to park. We recommend giving yourself at least half an hour to walk from the village car parks to the footbridge entrance for your timed ticket slot.

Access - There is currently a one-way system in place at the castle, which means leaving via 140 steep steps for those with limited mobility issues or disabilities to be guided back across the bridge. There can be a long delay while staff halt the flow of arrivals. It's important to us that all our visitors with access requirements have an enjoyable visit, and we therefore highly recommend booking the last time slot of the day. At this quieter time there will be fewer people arriving, so our staff can safely guide visitors back across the bridge and along the step-free path without a long wait.

For Group visits see our Group bookings (11 + people) or Education bookings pages.

Last admission to Tintagel Castle is one hour before the site closes. The site may close in times of bad weather and high winds. Please check the Tintagel Castle website for any updates before travelling.


Tintagel - The Making of the New Bridge