Present Simple/Formen von "to be"

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Das Verb "to be" hat auch im Present Simple mehrere Formen.


Im Deutschen werden alle Verben konjugiertWikipedia-logo.png, d.h. je nach Geschlecht, Anzahl und Zeit verändert. Im Englischen gibt es nur das he,she,it-s - außer das Verb "to be" mit seinen Formen am, is, are.

Zur besseren Übersicht sind in der Tabelle die Personalpronomen vor die jeweilige Verbform gestellt:

Singular (Einzahl) Plural (Mehrzahl)
1.Person I am we are
2. Person you are you are
3. Person he, she, it is they are

Interactive Exercises

Put the correct form of the verb "to be" into the gaps:

I am Cindy. That is Mandy. We are twelve.

Robert is fifteen. The house is blue. They are in London.

I am fourteen. Today is Tuesday.

Write the correct form of the verb "to be" into the gaps:

The bike is (be) blue. The tree is (be) green. The Burtons are (be) in London.

The room is (be) black. I am (be) a pupil.

The pupils are (be) nervous, because they write a test.

The people are (be) in front of the house.

A genius is (be) a very clever person. Snow is (be) white. We are (be) in a class.

The bike is (be) blue. The tree is (be) green. The Burtons are (be) in London.

The room is (be) black. I am (be) a pupil.

The pupils are (be) nervous, because they write a test.

The people are (be) in front of the house.

A genius is (be) a very clever person. Snow is (be) white. We are (be) in a class.

Write the correct form of the verb "to be". Sometimes you need the negative!

Das Apostroph findest Du links neben der Enter-Taste. Es ist auf der #-Taste.

Becky is (???) twelve. Robert isn't|is not (???) twelve but thirteen!.

Sarah and David are(???) both (=beide) eleven years old.

"You want to see a horror movie? - No way, you are (???)' only (=nur) twelve, you aren't|are not(???) old enough!"

"But Mummy, I am (???) the only (hier: =einzige) boy who isn't allowed to go."

Becky is (???) twelve. Robert isn't (???) twelve but thirteen!.

Sarah and David are(???) both (=beide) eleven years old.

"You want to see a horror movie? - No way, you are (???)' only (=nur) twelve, you aren't(???) old enough!"

"But Mummy, I am (???) the only (hier: =einzige) boy who isn't allowed."